Did you know that the health of your liver is the key to your success on keto?
All the processing of ketones happens there, so it’s critical you give it what it needs so you can get the results you want.
One of the most important amino acids you need every day is one called Glycine.
Without enough Glycine you can’t recreate the new cells that help burn fat, create new muscle… and ultimately… things in your body just come to a standstill.
So how does Glycine work in the liver? Glad you asked :)
Well, Glycine is critical in the production of Glutathione. Glutathione helps detox your body and stop stress in its tracks.
When you’re not properly detoxifying your body, your liver is in jeopardy… and when that happens… ketone production goes right out the window.
Glycine also helps produce bile-salts.
When you consume a lot of fats like we do in keto, your body needs to find a way to absorb them…
So your body seeks out bile.
Without enough Glycine, your liver won’t produce enough bile to break them down.
So how can you get the Glycine you need to make sure your liver is running in tip-top shape?
With Collagen.
Not only is Collagen great for your hair, skin and nails… but it’s essential in protecting the liver by boosting Glutathione, breaking down fats, and protecting the liver from toxins…
So you can produce the ketones you need for keto success.
Here at TeamKeto, we provide our fellow warriors with Collagen Peptides packed with the proteins and amino acids you need to help do just this.
When you add a scoop of Collagen Peptides to your cold or hot liquids, you’re boosting one of the most critical parts of your body…
And ultimately, getting the same essential amino acids you find in bone broth, without all the time consuming preparation.
That means clearer skin, more vibrant hair, stronger nails, joint support, faster recovery from workouts, and you’ll be supporting a healthy liver.
So, click below now to grab your tub of Collagen Peptides to help aid your success on keto.